Highlight particularly important parts of your wiki in boxes that stand out with Box Plugin.
A simple box:
<box> the box contents </box>
Some more complex boxes
<box 80% round orange|a title> the box contents</box>
a title
<box 50% left blue>the box contents</box|a caption>
a caption
<box 60% round #f99 #fc9 #fcc #f60|title>the box contents</box|caption>
<box width classes colours | title text> contents text </box>
if no classes are specified the default styles will be used, that is square corners in a colour scheme based on the default DokuWiki colour scheme.
#F00 #fcab94 rgb(255,255,0)
. The colours are applied in order to:
if less than four colours are specified, the first colour is used for the missing colours.
The opening <box … >
including the title must all appear on one line. The box contents can appear over as many lines as are needed.
See the plugin in action here. The sample page shows all the styles available with the plugin.
a title
'let us start a quote and not finish it.
Boxed & titled
using hex colours
using rgb colours
The bottom credits goes here (if only I could align this right)
boxed & captioned
title with forma
tting, a link and rounded corners
<div class='box'> <b class='xtop'><b class='xb1'></b><b class='xb2'></b><b class='xb3'></b><b class='xb4'></b></b> <div class='xbox'> <p class='box_title'>Title text would go here</p> <div class='box_content'> <p>Including this html snippet of a box</p> <p>All those <b> tags handle the rounded corners</p> </div> </div> <b class='xbottom'><b class='xb4'></b><b class='xb3'></b><b class='xb2'></b><b class='xb1'></b></b> </div>
=== headings aren't allowed in boxes ===
but | tables | are |
and plugins … ; definition : list : list : list
and a link
Wow, a lot of stuff
Example box
looks good?
title teste
title test
title teste
title test
Is the colour wrong?
title test
Simple box with rounded edges and title
Yes! there can!
* I will have to check this out * tomorrow * on my wiki
* I will have to check this out * tomorrow * on my wiki
Boxes in boxes works but will create another line per box, an inline option would be nice.
This is the parent
this is a child
this is another child
This is the parent
this is a child
this is a nested child
Copyright © Alan Shea, 2005-2025